WeeDGPS – Transport Tracking Especially for the Legal Marijuana Industry

Getting through the licensing requirements for H501 ( CAR TRACKER) H503 ( DRIVER TRACKER )  and then getting through harvest is only the beginning. Now you need to get the product to market! After that, you gotta get the tax money to the state! The riskiest part of being in the legal marijuana business is the transport of product and cash.

We have developed best practices for transporting marijuana and Cash based on years of experience working with logistics companies and Money transport companies in all major markets. CCTV and Computer Electronics,  Clothing jewelry and other Retailers, we all know the risks of transporting product, and they protect themselves with GPS.

WeeDGPS h501( CAR TRACKER ) & H503 (DRIVER TRACKER ) goes one step further and not only tracks the transport, but alerts you when the transport deviates from its intended route with the H501 ( CAR TRACKER), when the driver is doing something he shouldn’t be doing  the H503 ( DRIVER TRACKER ) ,The H501 (Car Tracker ) will protect your valuables  when the truck stops unexpectedly and also if it arrives at the destination early you can review the route easily, late or not at all. The combination of WeeDGPS H501 & H503 with our guidance and best practices guide helps ensure the successful transport of your product to market.

H501 Will protect u from the new law we address the critical area of marijuana transport tracking. This critical point of failure is left up to individual Our product the H501 is best practice for the i502 licensees to figure out for themselves. Keep reading to learn more about the major functions of WeeDGPS and how you can protect yourself when everything you’ve worked for is in a single truck.


WeeDGPS allows you to create fences around your farm or processing facility and a corresponding fence around your processor or retailers property. This is the easy stuff, most GPS systems can do this. Where WeedGPS shines is in the fact that it also creates a fence around your predetermined route in between those two points. This allows for instant alerting via text or email to let you know something is wrong while you still have the ability to save your product.


Changing the route to market is a key tactic in supply chain security. The legal marijuana market should be using multiple predetermined routes to get product to market. These routes should vary each time they are used and should not be visible to anyone but the driver and the person dispatching that truck. WeeDGPS allows you to keep track of those routes and select which route to use next, then automatically hold the driver accountable to that route. This ensures that you cannot be ambushed partway through your delivery and makes planning an attack much more difficult.


WeeDGPS can automatically alert you based on multiple factors. Any of the following triggers and more can be setup to alert you to a potential problem:

  • Route deviation
  • Shipment late to arrive
  • Unauthorized vehicle stop
  • Signal lost (denial of service attack)
  • Unexpected slow speed
  • Temperature change
  • Shipment late to leave
  • Vehicle moves without ignition
  • Speeding
  • Enter or leave fenced & route planning area


Often times the driver will know of an imminent attack before anyone else will. These critical seconds are when they can take action that could result in saving your shipment. This action needs to be quick and automated so the driver can focus on saving the transport and himself instead of being on the phone and distracted. WeeDGPS allows for driver panic buttons to automatically trigger a notification sending exact GPS coordinates, time stamp and vehicle data to assist in dispatching law enforcement.

learn more about WeeDGPS and how we can help secure the transport of your harvest.